Art Value vs. Price

Are the prices attached to art works, be they painting/sculpture etc. mean that they are exceptional examples of the highest standard of quality? It looks that greed, accumulation and gain, in other words the classic ‘capital’ formula, has in many scraped the enamel from the teeth of taste. Maybe the prioritization of price as the singular measure of quality, as in the top end auction market, has wrecked aesthetic judgement. Recent years have proved that if money is the measure of value, then trivial and stupid things like duct-taped bananas can be bought and sold at art fairs for tens of thousands of dollars as it were jokes by people who have Monopoly money to play with. No joke, a base and brazen golden toilet can be gauged as a work of greatness and historical significance, and non-fungible token digital doodles can be traded in an unregulated art market as brazen gambling chips of financial exchange with almost no interest in the quality or significance of the image. ...